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Un article de Samba en France.

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Welcome to the French Samba Home Page!

Main Page
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Português Accueil

This page is dedicated to this kind of Brazilian street music and dance in France. It is aimed to promote sharing of ideas, resources, contacts and experiences, to promote a greater awareness of samba, and to make it known by all.

The French sambistas network is a community strong of near 350 groups that are listed on this web portal, in which about 100 persons are able to edit the website. A French-speaking mailing list with 330 members is also dedicated to share live information.

Please note that the links followed by a (( fr )) symbol lead to pages written in French.

Search places
Address book

Samba bands:

Dedicated shops:

Tips and goodies
Tips and goodies

Various things to help one to progress:

The sambistas' instruments and accessories:

  • Instrument tuning: how to choose a skin and to tune it... (( fr ))
  • Samba accessories: how to choose or to make a tamborim stick, a surdo beater, a strap... (( fr ))
Samba community, experience sharing

French sambistas share their knowledge:

History and definitions

Various materials in an encyclopedic fashion:

Outils personnels